The Rocky Horror Picutre Show
Movie with LIVE Shadow Cast 2024

Join us for our 6th Annual Showing

UPUT is excited to announce our 6th Annual showing of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” Movie with LIVE Shadow Cast. This year you have 1 opportunity to enjoy the show! Join us for the 8 pm showing on Oct. 18, 2024, at Parties on Purpose, 1309 Airport Industrial Rd, Elk City.
This year we have NEW opportunities, including a costume contest to win $$$. VIP Tickets and swag. Don’t forget about our raffles for Rocky Swag, help us pick the “drunk” Rocky Cast member, and join us to sacrifice some “virgins”!
Limited Tickets Available!
The VIP Door and Bar opens at 7:00 pm. General Admission at 7:45 pm. Preshow and Costume Contest at 8:00 pm with an 8:30 pm Showing!
VIP Tickets $50. General Admission Tickets $30. Prop Bags $5; $10 at Door. No outside Props allowed. Cash Bar Available.
VIP Tickets
- Doors open at 7 pm for a special meet and greet with cast members. Includes snacks, photos, and a drink ticket.
- Special up-front reserved seating
- Includes a prop bag and a VIP lanyard
General Admission
Doors open at 7:45 pm
Costume Contest
At 8 pm with the Pre-show
We encourage you to come dressed as your favorite Rocky Character. This year the best dressed will receive a cash prize! All costumes are encouraged.
Whether you’re a Virgin or an Old Timer, check out some great Rocky Do’s and Don’t Below!
Rocky Horror Etiquette
The difference between a true RHPS fan and someone just out for a rowdy time can be seen in their manners and etiquette. Here are some guidelines that should be deemed necessary by anyone looking to perpetuate our experiences of absolute pleasure.
The throwing of rice, toilet paper, water, etc. is part of the fun. It is not meant to harm people, ruin someone’s make-up or costume, or cause damage to the theater.
Never make fun of someone for “dressing up” – especially if their costume or make-up is not exact. The point is that their heart is in it and this might discourage them or others from ever returning in costume and that’s what this cult’s all about, isn’t it?
If you portray a certain character in your theater or its performing group, don’t get angry or jealous if someone else comes dressed as that character. Remember that the movie and its characters are not your exclusive property. When you think about it, any resentment is hypocritical to your own “dressing up”.
Respect the wishes of the theater and its management. Vandalism and the breaking of rules might not only lead to your ejection, but to the closing of the film. This would only be spoiling it for everyone.
If visitors from other theaters or areas comes to visit, don’t try to “shout them down”. Respect the fact that they might yell different “lines”. Why, you might even find some new ones more preferable to your own.
Calling Brad an “asshole” and “neck lines” to the criminologist are funny in their proper place, but should not be yelled every time you see these characters’ faces. It does get boring and monotonous.
How to do the Time Warp

1. (It’s just a) JUMP TO THE LEFT, with hands UP.
2. A STEP TO THE RIGHT (Time-Warper ANNETTE FUNICELLO suggests a very WIDE step.)
3.* (With your hands on your HIPS) YOU BRING YOUR KNEES IN TIGHT.
4. (Then) THE PELVIC THRUST (if repeated FIVE times, it nearly drives you insa-a-ane)
5. HIPSWIVEL (if not driven insa-a-ane by step four)
* Those with LIMB DISABILITIES may find it necessary to ALTER or DELETE this action, but NO EXCUSES for alterations to steps four and five.
What is a Prop Bag?
(No Outside Props Allowed)
BUBBLES: Blow bubbles as the bride and groom exit the church.
NOISEMAKER: Use after Brad ask, “Didn’t we pass a castle back down the road a few miles?” and use again later after Frank mentions, “Unconventional Conventialists” and “the secret to life itself!”
NEWSPAPER: As soon as Brad and Janet exit the car, put the newspaper over your head (like Janet).
WATER GUN: Once you’re covered with newspaper, use your water gun to make it rain.
GLOW STICK: Light up and wave during the chorus of “(There’s a Light) Over at Frankenstein’s Place.” Hide it after the line, “There’s a light in the darkness.”
RUBBER GLOVE: Snap it (with Frank)… three times during his creation speech.
TOILET PAPER: When we first see Dr. Scott and Brad proclaims, “Great Scott!”, Toss into the air.
PARTY HAT: During dinner, when Frank puts on his party hat, put yours on too.
TOAST: During dinner, when Frank makes a toast, toss your toast.
BELL: During the song “Planet Schmanet Janet,” ring the bell when Frank sings “Did you hear a bell ring?”
CARDS: After the floor show, when Frank sits down and sings, “Cards for sorrow, cards for pain,” throw your cards in the air.

UPUT Call Back Script
Be a true Rocky fan and yell at the screen! Download our Call Backs Now!
We are currently revamping our callback, but don’t worry, it will be ready to go for next year!